Comparing Long Content And Site Ranking

Comparing Long Content And Site Ranking

When users are looking for information, they typically rely on search engines in order to access the data they’re after. As a result, companies are in a constant battle to rank highly on search results relating to relevant key words and terms. Known as search engine optimisation, site owners and managers must ensure their site is ranking highly so that users can find it.

By working in conjunction with the algorithms set out by major search engines, such as Google, companies can increase their rankings and attract more users. Although there are many accepted tools to boost SEO, long content writing has remained a hotly contested topic.

Why Aren’t More People Using Long Content Writing?

Despite long content writing being linked to better search engine rankings, many businesses continue to overlook the benefits of long content. In some cases, they mistakenly believe that a higher number of shorter posts will gain more traction and lead to increased rankings. Whilst this used to be the case, we're seeing more and more evidence that Google rates pages and sites better where there is substantial, long content. However, business owners should not focus on just the length of the content: it's as much about quality as quantity. Good internet marketers will plan their article writing carefully, not just writing content for content's sake. A simple test is: would you read it and find it beneficial and interesting? If not, the chances are Google won't either.

Of course, it’s easy to see where this view comes from. If sites feature more posts, they can vary their topics more and, presumably, attract a wider range of users. Although this appears to make sense, the reality is somewhat different. In fact, sites with more content tend to rate more highly in search rankings and users are relying on long tail searches more than ever before, meaning they’re looking for high-quality, in-depth content.

In addition to this, businesses can make the mistake of assuming short content is easier and cheaper to produce. While it may be quicker to write a short blog post, it may not be as cost-effective as you think. Long content can be produced at a fairly quick rate, so it won’t take as long as you think to add in-depth content to your site. What’s more – if you’re financing your content on a per word basis, you won’t need to spend any more on producing content for you site. Whether you opt for five 500 word posts or one 2,500 post, you’ll be staying within the same budget.

Why Is Long Content Beneficial?

Generally defined as pieces over 2,000 words, long content writing can mean different things to different people. In most cases, pieces from 1,000 - 20,000 words are considered to be long content, and you may be surprised at how useful they can be.

Using long content allows you to engage with your users more effectively. Rather than simply providing them with bite-sized pieces of information, you can delve into topics and provide them with information, opinion and options. Due to the level of information which can be conveyed in long content writing, it is these posts which are most likely to be shared by users.

Furthermore, users will be more likely to remain on your site for longer if you can entice them with long content writing and you will have the opportunity to add more backlinks to the site, which will help to boost your SEO rankings as well.

For many years now, website owners have felt that visitors won't want to read long articles. This assumption is far too general and excludes those visitors who are actually searching for in-depth information rather than more simplistic short content articles. By correctly setting up and using Google Analytics, site owners and digital marketing managers will be able to measure the success of longer content through metrics such as time on site, bounce rate, conversions and other calls-to-action. Do remember though, that many visitors may not be 'hot to trot' and may return to your site a number of times before making contact with you. It's a trust process.

To find out how long content writing could improve your site’s rankings, contact WYSI today.

Picture of Robert a Partner

Robert Wakefield

Partner - Head of Digital Marketing
Articles Written

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