Knowing your CMS from your CRM

Many companies create their web presence then largely forget about their site. Over time the design starts to look dated, the content gradually becomes more inaccurate, and the whole process of getting it updated is just too complex. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution.

There seems to be a constant stream of new software appearing, some of it disappears very quickly, while the best offerings tend to stick around. Here we’re going to take a look at two types of system that have been around for a while, are commonly used by businesses and aren’t going away any time soon.

The tech industry seems to have a well-developed love of using acronyms. From API to ZBR and everything in between, if it’s more than a single word, and any of those words have more than one syllable, it’s getting shortened. CRM and CMS are two of the more common ones you’ll hear in an office or tech environment, but what do they mean? What do they do? Can they help you?


CRM is an acronym of customer relationship management. It helps to maintain an open line of communication with your existing customers, and provides valuable feedback so you can engage them better. The results are very positive when compared to a company that simply sends out an e-mail en-masse when they have something to announce. You can incorporate information on your customer gathered from various sources to help optimise the interactions. Whether it’s a loyalty card, questionnaire, or a survey, it all helps to build a more accurate picture of what the customer wants.


CMS is an acronym of content management system. Your CMS can be critical to the success of your website. A good CMS allows you to easily create and add new content, manage your customers and mailing lists, organise your data and manage your stock. It allows you to keep your online presence fresh and up to date. It also reduces the need for site maintenance, provides a faster turnaround time for refreshed content or new pages, and can easily handle any future growth. Why Use Wysi At Wysi we use a CMS that has been specifically customised by us to make maintaining your site as simple as possible. You can edit, suspend, create or manage all of your website content in a very straightforward way. It’s as familiar as using Microsoft Word. There is no coding or specialised knowledge needed.

If you’d still prefer to leave it to the professionals then we are always on hand to perform the updates for you. Our system puts you in full control of every element of your SEO, which means you can really fine-tune your site, improving your on-site SEO while making Google love you a little bit more. While we are very accomplished in every aspect of digital marketing, our proudest achievement is our reputation for happy customers. We deliver on our promises and provide support and advice that’s second to none. Reach out to us today and find out more about how our customised CMS can empower your web presence.

David Edwards

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