Shopping experience website and interactive map


The Lexicon


December 2018


UI/UX - Website


The Brief

The management company for The Lexicon Bracknell approached us for a new website when the previous one was becoming a little jaded. Their previous CMS was over-complex and difficult to use which meant updates were not being done as frequently as they might.

We knew the new site needed to really 'cut the mustard' offering up-to-date information at the click of a mouse. Visitor experience was everything: shortest route to information, best browsing experience both on desktop and mobile, rapid server response times, 99.99% uptime to name but a few.

The Strategy and Solution

The Lexicon is a collection of town centre shopping; it is not strictly speaking a shopping mall, although new phases are expected to be launched soon. The main objective was to bring life to the website and create an impression of a vibrant town centre with an abundance of amenities and facilities. Additionally, The Lexicon wanted to be able to quickly and easily change content in line with events that are run throughout the year.

We consulted with the management team and created a number of wireframes that demonstrated the visitor journey. Branding already existed and it was important that this was retained for continuity reasons. The obvious choice of web platform was Siteglide: performance, power and ease-of-use. Staff needed to be able to manage content and promotions in-house, where possible.


Comments from the team

The Lexicon are an absolute delight to work with. We regularly assist them with website refreshes, new promotions and events, data management, email marketing and much more.

The Technology

Built on Siteglide's powerful Digital Experience Platform (DXP) using WebApps for features and events, facilitating ease of editing (separating content from code). 


Aesthetically pleasing look and feel, easy navigation, information at a click. 
Fast, fully responsive website and interactive map.
Easy to manage WebApp-based content.
Improved User Experience.

Bounce rate down 99.45%, pages per session up 86.55%, new visitors up from 72% to 84% (data measured from Feb 1st - May 1st 2022 and compared with same date range for 2018.

Discuss a project with us - call us on 0118 212 1401

0118 212 1401