SEO checklist for small business owners

A Guide to SEO by digital experts Wysi of Berkshire

Key Areas To Focus Your SEO

Most business owners will have heard about SEO, but not many of them will understand the attention to detail needed to make it effective. Your strategy needs to be flexible to adapt to changes in your industry, and you should have a structured content plan. Anyone can fill a site with irrelevant content. You need to make sure your website has content that is interesting, engaging and relates to your industry.

The importance of good quality content cannot be understated, nor can keeping it fresh and updated. It will help to keep your site interesting, which in turn is more likely to bring traffic your way. SEO optimised content will help to increase page relevance for search engines, and without it, your site will just move further down the search engine rankings.

Restore The Balance

As some areas of your industry may move quicker than others, you could find that over time your SEO content becomes out of balance.

The importance of particular keywords in a particular industry can change. Always keep an eye on the relevance of the keywords you are using and change them if trends alter. This also applies to meta descriptions, as if they are poorly written it can mean no one ever clicks through to read the full article. Identify top performing phrases and incorporate them into newly written meta descriptions.

Search engines do not like old content, as they tend to think it’s more likely to be out-dated information, even if it’s brilliantly written and of interest to your customers. Failing to regularly review any area of your SEO that could have potentially changed, such as backlinks, can be detrimental to your digital health.

Hampering Search Engines

There are others things you need to check to make sure there is nothing hampering search engines when they are rendering your pages. Are there any blocked resources? Are there any crawl errors? Do you need to redirect links that are pointing to redundant URL’s?

These problems can all reduce the amount of traffic reaching your site, and lower your search engine rankings even further.

Approaching The Professionals For Assistance

This is by no means an exhaustive guide to SEO, but is meant to help point you in the right direction. If you are unsure where to focus your SEO efforts, or want help with any other area relating to website design, social media, marketing or the technology involved, then get in touch with WYSI.

We have the expertise and knowledge to help you in all of these areas and many more. Having all your design, development and marketing needs catered for in one place creates a better understanding of your business, and is the best way to ensure your product or service becomes known.

We would love to have a chat to see how we could help you, so why not give us a call today on 01183 150 184. We offer a free website audit which will identify all on-site issues that require attention as well as running a detox check against all your site's backlinks. 

Picture of Robert a Partner

Robert Wakefield

Partner - Head of Digital Marketing
Articles Written

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