Case Study

Jaguar LandRover

A bespoke company vehicle ordering system

Jaguar LandRover Company Vehicles Website Device Screenshots

The Brief

We were a Tier 2 supplier for this interesting project. Jaguar LandRover (JLR) required an online vehicle ordering system that allowed senior management (and other personnel such as retired managers) to be able to spec their replacement company vehicle online, according to their job role, and send the completed order request to the fulfilment team for processing. 

Previously, the system was entirely manual and therefore time-consuming, requiring a number of back office staff to manually check eligibility criteria, review entitlements, and qualify or reject the order.

Together with our clients, a large Fleet Management company, we scoped out the project and system architecture, before delivering a fully documented quotation and proposal for a complete digital solution. 

The Project

By taking the entire process online, we removed the possibility of incorrect data being entered by the applicant. Essential to the success of the project was assigning an 'eligibility score' to personnel. Depending on the score of the logged-in user, a range of vehicles and spec options was presented; the system also checked for maturity of the previous contract (e.g. 2 years); if the vehicle was not due for replacement no buying options were presented.
This meant that qualifying personnel were offered a prescriptive process from which to choose their next vehicle, see paint colour choices, spec trim levels and wheels etc - all within their entitlement limits.
We used a combination of functionality to achieve this: secure zone configuration, OAuth to validate user sessions, and external PHP server to run order scripts, notifications, store and retrieve order data.
We created two further levels of Super Admin for the Company Vehicles management team which included view all, read only as well as master access to be able to view, edit and archive data.

Driver Licence Checking

The Jaguar LandRover Company Vehicles project was in addition to a Driver Licence verification and validation system that we had built for the Fleet Management client and used by many of the major motor manufacturers such as Ford, Volvo, Aston Martin, Jaguar LandRover, Renault, Nissan.

A third, and powerful service we delivered to Jaguar LandRover was an online events module. This enabled Events Managers to send invitations (via SMS or email) to the public to test drive some of the very latest (and high performance!) models across the range. On replying to the invitation the invitee is required to complete the Driver Licence validation to determine whether their licence status (points, convictions, current validity and suspensions) permit them to drive at the event. This then links into to client's insurer's criteria database resulting in a simple 'Yes' or 'No' response to the Events Manager. We further expanded and enhanced this module to allow for spouses and friends to drive at the chosen event, and for Events Managers to delegate the invitation feature to other staff.

Full details of the Driver Licence Verification Application we built can be found in our portfolio section.

A suite of tools for a major motor manufacturer

Wysi have considerable experience and expertise in building secure and complex web applications. All work was completed by our own technical team, in-house, and in the UK.


The Technical

Security of data was paramount. Several servers were to be used and the session had to carry across many of these calls. We also knew we would need to use an external database. Over the course of the project we deployed code and assets to, and ran queries against, 3 different servers in 3 entirely separate UK data centres. Much of the authorisation was done using OAuth tokens and then checking that the token was valid before revealing any data. The primary server (AWS) was tested by Qualys and deemed to be PCI Level 1 compliant in all respects. The process was tested end-to-end and received an A+ security rating by pen testers.

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